Visit by Year 4 pupils from St Hugh’s School

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Today, 8th May, our education team hosted a large group of 19 Year 4 pupils and three teachers from St Hugh’s School Woodhall Spa. This has become a regular event as this time last year saw 13 Year 4 pupils come and enjoy our little museum. All the pupils were dressed in 1940s attire and what a sight they were. Tell us what you think of their costumes, from military uniforms to land girls to farmers; fabulous.

The children were split into two groups and after an introduction to the museum by Gill Noble each group benefited from a guided tour of the museum getting interactive with all of the displays. There followed a chance to see all manner of items from our 1940s collection including infant Gas Mask, ration books, ID cards, genuine letters home from the front and an old valve radio; Joy even did a rendition of “We are the Ovaltinies”. All of the children had a go at Rag Rugging (making rugs from rags). They were especially impressed with the Rag Rugged Hedgehog that Judith showed them.

If you are interested in arranging a group visit then please contact Gill Noble on 01526 353455 or by email to