Friends and volunteers end of season BBQ

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As the season at the museum comes to an end one of the museum friends (yes Jamie I will mention who it was!) suggested we have a BBQ for the friends and volunteers. Much effort was put in by a small core of friends ably egged on by our new Friends chairman, Trish. The preparation of spuds, onions, coleslaw salad and all the other bits expected at a BBQ fell to Trish and husband Bob, assisted by Judy, Patricia and Jamie to name but a few. Helping serve was Hannah and her partner whilst over 30 people made the most of the wine on offer before tucking in to a superb spread of food. Trish and Patricia also cooked up baked bananas on the barbie served up with ice creams courtesy of Judy.  Despite the inclement weather we all remained dry under the huge awning; what a boon that has been.  Well done to all who got involved in making this event a success.

A big thank you to all our friends and volunteers over the 2017 season and we look forward to greeting more visitors over the two “Victorian Christmas” weekends of 25/26 Nov and 2/3 Dec to finish off the year.