Arnhem 72nd Anniversary Commemoration and Wreath Laying Service

A warm welcome was made to all who attended the Arnhem commemoration and wreath laying service to commemorate the 72nd Anniversary of Arnhem at St Peter’s Church and the Cottage Museum, Woodhall Spa on Saturday 10th September.
Teas and coffees were provided at 10:00 by the WI in St Peter’s Church hall followed by the commemoration service in St Peter’s Church. A big thank you to all of the volunteers who helped make this happen.
Following the service the Parade Marshall, Regimental Sergeant Major Stewart Adams, formed up the veterans and standard bearers and marched them across to the Cottage Museum gardens where the Arnhem Memorial is situated. Here the service of remembrance was conducted with the added sounds of the Last Post, two minutes silence and Reveille performed by the bugler Malcolm Shackleton of the Banovallum Brass; thank you Malcolm. The Address, Blessing and prayers were given by the Revd. Richard Major.
Wreaths were laid by the veterans, David Hill (representing the Cottage Museum), members of the local Scouts group and others.
A special display had been put together b volunteer Anna Phillips who had spent about 5 evenings preparing the display that showed newspapers announcing the attack in 1944 plus photographs from the time. Additionally photographs and information showed the 70th Anniversary Commemoration event held at the museum in 2014. All of the veterans were invited to view the special display and then to partake of refreshments in the museum cafe. The tea and homemade cakes went down a treat; thanks again Gladys and your team of helpers.